Erica Alfaro – American Patriot Council Wed, 17 Jun 2020 20:56:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 In-Fighting as Democratic Party Devolves Wed, 17 Jun 2020 20:32:50 +0000 UNITED STATES- Rumblings of dissent are being felt throughout the Democratic Party this week as legislators and voters alike decide how far, is far enough. With Dems being connected to far-reaching lockdown orders, COVID-19 nursing home scandals, riots all over the country, and a major city under siege from terrorists, chaos is the word.

Democratic governor Gretchen Whitmer (MI) sympathized with rioters in Detroit, Grand Rapids and Lansing saying in her comments about the riots, “a black man simply kneels in peaceful protest, and he is vilified, but a white man with a badge and a gun kneels the breath out of George Floyd and does so without compunction.”

Governor Jay Inslee, Democrat from Washington State called those that hold a section of Seattle under siege, “Largely Peaceful,” while Jenny Durkan bizarrely calls the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” (CHAZ) a “block party atmosphere,” and that it could “turn into a summer of love.”

Now to most Americans, even voters who consider themselves liberal, these statements seem radical. They are not alone. Some of the democrats who’ve been considered radicals in the past seem to be the voice of reason in a more sinister political season. Seeming to send the opposite message of Whitmer, Durkan, and Inslee, Nancy Pelosi worked to separate Democrats from the riots, saying, “Our democracy has no place for inciting violence or endangering the public, no matter the ideology of those who commit it.”

In an interview with Fox News, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo hammered New York City Mayor DeBlasio with a scathing rebuke: “The NYPD and the Mayor, did not do their job last night, I believe that. Look at the videos, it was a disgrace!” continuing later, Cuomo said, “my option is to displace the mayor of New York City. Do your job; do what you did in the past.” These remarks from another prominent Democrat, go directly against what we’ve heard from others.

Hillary Clinton, fanning the flames of dissent, tweeted “the lawyer (and mom and democrat) in me wants to make sure you know your rights as a protester. Be safe this weekend.”

All this as the party, taking political contributions from Black Lives Matter, a group largely considered as a domestic terrorist group, whose website donations tab redirects to, the democratic owned money machine. Many Americans, including some who’ve joined the mass exodus, are now wondering how long it will be before the Democratic Party will also be named as a terrorist organization.

It remains to be seen where the chips will fall with the party on the left, but one thing seems to be certain: the chips won’t fall together.

-A. Closer, reporting for the American Patriot Press

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Michigan Governor; a Proponent of Segregation in Michigan Cities Sat, 13 Jun 2020 15:56:07 +0000 MICHIGAN- The current racial climate around the country has prompted many questions about what happened to the coronavirus. The questions, legitimized by stories of real danger for months or even years to come, have sparked outrage, but shed light on what would appear to be a more sinister plan.


On April 9, Governor Gretchen Whitmer (MI) confused everyone as she wrote another executive order, forming a task force to look into the racial disparities behind COVID-19, as her and Lieutenant Governor Gilchrist spoke about the illness as if it had the ability to choose who it effected. During the announcement, Whitmer made the bizarre statement:

“This virus is holding up a mirror to our society and reminding us of the deep inequities in our country.”

In April, most people chalked the statements up to just another strange act by the governor, whose recent actions have raised questions of competency among many colleagues and constituents. However, it now appears it could’ve been part of a plan. Whitmer came out as one of the nation’s biggest racial agitators in the wake of the police fiasco in Minneapolis. This is where the very odd murder of George Floyd spawned race riots in which police were strangely told to stand down. Whitmer immediately began to drive a wedge between citizens of the state.

“When a black man simply kneels in peaceful protest and becomes vilified, but a white man with a badge and a gun kneels the breath out of George Floyd and does so without compunction, it’s wrong, infuriating, devastating, and gut-wrenching.”

This, her statement about peaceful protests only a few short days after referring to the peaceful protests organized by the American Patriot Rally as having

“depicted some of the worst racism and most awful parts of our history in this country.”

Then, as if bizarre contradictory statements were not enough, the gaff continued:

“I am angry at rioters who came into communities of color.”

This is not the first time Whitmer has been heard referring to the communities of her state as segregated. She has compared “white communities” with “those of color” before. The difference now is that she is using the admitted segregation problem in Michigan to fuel racial tensions, pitting the equal citizens of Michigan against each other.

EDITORS NOTE: Some groups are now looking into statements by Whitmer, saying that they are grounds for possible charges against the already gravely troubled governor for inciting a riot. Some sources are saying that with all the legal and criminal actions circling the governor’s mansion, the party may ask her to step down.

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American Patriot Rally Says ‘Well Regulated Militia Rally’ to be Biggest Yet! Tue, 09 Jun 2020 17:08:49 +0000 LANSING MICHIGAN- With America in a frenzy over race riots, police defunding, fear-mongering and the questionable government reactions to Coronavirus, Michigan seems to be the center of pushback. The American Patriot Rallies have been peaceful and have not been infiltrated by groups like Antifa or others who escalate peaceful protests into violent and destructive riots.

“I think the reason that our rallies have been so safe, is because we have made the militias such a big part of them,” Said Jason Howland, “early on in planning the “Vote No” event at the Capital on April 30th, we decided that we would never hide anything. That meant showing the militias for what they are as an important and necessary part of a free America. These anti-American groups, they are cowards,” Howland continued, “they don’t want any part of taking true American Patriots head on. The Police know that, too, and so they feel safe at our rallies, as well.”

The next Rally, titled, “American Patriot Rally: A Well-Regulated Militia” is set to be the biggest to date.

“This will definitely be our biggest rally yet, and also the most important.” Said Ryan Kelley, a W. Michigan resident, and founding member of the team.

American Patriot Rallies have been very organized, and highly attended in both Lansing and Grand Rapids. Ryan feels, as most Americans do, that the idea of defunding police, an idea being pushed hard by major media outlets, is dangerous and that it is up to the people to keep the peace.

With over 3-million gun owners in Michigan, many Michiganders are seeing the rally as a ray of hope in light of all that is taking place.

“We’ve been wanting this for over thirty years”, says Bill, a Patriot and major player in the movement to keep the power in the hands of the people. “It’s about time people started to stand up for themselves.”

One thing is for sure: this writer has never felt a bigger buzz around a single event like this. Time will tell, but all things point to the American Patriots building, as they put it, “An Army of the People for the People.”

A. Closer, reporting for the American Patriot Press.

Tuesday, June 9th, 2020  3:37pm

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Whitmer Hates Peaceful Protests, Encourages Riots. Wed, 03 Jun 2020 00:13:47 +0000 May 30 -“People in communities of color across the nation and right here in Michigan are feeling a sense of exhaustion and desperation.” A line in the press release by Michigan Governor, Sunday.

Gretchen Whitmer, after railing against peaceful protests such as the American Patriot Rallies and others in past weeks, is now encouraging BLM riots like the one in Grand Rapids on May 29th.



Michiganders are livid over the remarks. Whitmer has taken many actions against civil liberties. Her seemingly bi-polar behavior has been bizarre to say the least. She will stop at nothing to stop Karl Manke from opening his small, privately owned barbershop in Owosso, including using Michigan’s licensing and regulatory affairs office (which is closed to the public) as an arm of law enforcement. Whitmer lost a battle in court to shut Manke down. She instructed State Police to ticket people for giving haircuts at the capital protest on May 15. Now she speaks out in favor of the riots.

“It’s time to unite people,” said Ryan Kelley, a civil liberties leader from Allendale, “not divide. Taking sides the way the governor does, only creates division.” Kelley is one of the organizers of the American Patriot Rallies.

Bill H, of Buckley said, “It’s ok to stand up together for freedom. We have the same problems, let’s fix them.” Bill is a long standing freedom fighter and community organizer.

It can be seen clearly that the governor has left any concern for the safety of Michiganders behind in the pursuit of political power. No matter which side of the aisle you stand on in Michigan, the danger to freedom is real.

A Closer, reporting for the American Patriot Press

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Quote From Michigan’s Attorney General You Need to Hear Wed, 27 May 2020 03:54:19 +0000 Lansing Michigan- It’s no secret the Whitmer Administration in Michigan has been a constant thorn in the side of Michigan residents wanting to protect their civil liberties. Now, Attorney General Dana Nessel has come forward confirming what many Michigander’s are concerned about. It seems some of Michigan’s elected officials don’t care about protecting the civil liberties of Michigan’s nearly 10 million residents. Here’s what AG Nessel said:

“You have to weigh and balance the health risk against people’s first amendment rights.”

The statement came during an interview with MSNBC. This, the same interview in which she stated while laughing  “nobody has a first amendment right to get a haircut.” This statement has called into question the Attorney General’s knowledge of the Constitution. The statement was made in reference to a protest last Thursday on the capitol lawn where many people showed up to get a haircut by qualified barbers and stylists. Nessel brazenly ordered State Police to ticket the stylists and barbers, in spite of their first amendment right to protest. She mused that, “It’s not like they’re sitting around TALKING about getting haircuts.” Implying that free speech did not apply, and ignoring the right to peaceably assemble. Constitutionalists site the protest as first amendment, but the citations that various barbers and cosmetologists from around the state received, are a violation of the 14th amendment. Many have stated they are under attack by the administration.

Much of the controversy has brought forth questions from law enforcement officials. They are concerned that by acting against the Constitution they could now be found liable for up to 3x the damages incurred by the unlawful acts they are being ordered to enforce, should they be taken to court. Many are also concerned about criminal charges.

“Those concerns may not be unfounded.” says civil liberties leader and activist, Jason Howland, “More and more citizens are talking about justice, and with public opinion comes action.”

All this amid a constitutional nightmare in the state, including highly totalitarian executive orders from the governor.

A. Closer, reporting for American Patriot Press

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Dems look to “Electiongate” for a Chance in November (opinion) Wed, 27 May 2020 02:23:42 +0000 States across the country are beginning the much-anticipated assault on our electoral process. Gavin Newsom, embattled governor of California, is under great scrutiny for his executive order stating that California will not even be allowed to vote at the polls. His claimed reason for this is that “No Californian should be forced to risk their health in order to exercise their right to vote.” Sources inside the administration have also stated these new regulations will give elections officials much-needed flexibility. Californians have questioned exactly what “flexibility” is needed when counting votes.

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, per the order of the Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer, seems to have lit a dangerous fuse this week by sending out “applications” to vote by mail for the upcoming elections. There are thousands of reports of people receiving several applications in seemingly random names, which begs the questions: Who are these people? Why are their applications being mailed to the wrong addresses? And if the state can’t be trusted with voter applications, how can they be trusted with mail-in ballots on Election Day?

“We won’t stand for it!” says Bill H, of Buckley Michigan. “They want to steal the election, but Michiganders are tougher than they think.”

Michigan has been the epicenter of civil unrest in recent weeks as Governor Gretchen Whitmer has defied both the legislative and judicial branches in order to try and control the people of her state, leaving only the executive branch to make decisions for Michiganders.

Author’s note:

We are living in interesting times as we just celebrated Memorial Day, 2020. Governors across the country are defying the US constitution in the name of public health. We must always remember that when fear is controlling us, we are at risk of losing our liberties. This Memorial Day, as we remembered those who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom, it is important that we remember the words “We the People” and that the rights we have were endowed by our Creator. We were born with those rights and it is a crime for anyone to take them away for any reason.

A. Closer, writing for the American Patriot Press

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American Patriot Rally-A Smashing Success! Fri, 22 May 2020 14:52:58 +0000

Grand Rapids-The energy Monday night at Rosa Parks Circle in Grand Rapids, Michigan was both electric and intense! The Rally was the first in Grand Rapids since the governor’s bizarrely draconian executive orders began. The organizers, a mostly anonymous group with only a few spokespeople, kept most of the speakers for the event under wraps until they took the stage Monday night.

As with the last American Patriot Rally in Lansing, April 30th, at the capital, the organizers rallied around one singular focus. The Grand Rapids event was no different. “Our message is clear. We are here to encourage law enforcement across Michigan to uphold the Constitution, and refuse to enforce illegal executive orders,” said organizer Jason Howland, Ryan Kelley, and anyone else wearing an “all access” ID around their neck. There was a notable sense that the rally was highly organized, well thought out, and designed to get results.

“This event was proof that the people of Michigan are fed up and want to get back to work and back to being free members of this state.” said Erica A. “The unity and camaraderie were palpable among people that came from every corner of Michigan and beyond! You could feel the excitement in the air! A feeling of hope, faith and a determined outlook for the future! A determination that WE THE PEOPLE of Michigan are going to make this state a better place to live, work and continue to practice our God-given rights!”

“People were smiling, cheering and excited! You could feel the buzz from a block away.” Juli K, another organizer said.

Rally organizers publicly encouraged the open carry of firearms, which definitely made the event something to see. Michigan Liberty Militia, the well-organized and very heavily armed militia, took point as the security team with cooperation from other well-organized militia groups. The event was peaceful. No security issues arose.

The visible firepower at the American Patriot Rally was dynamic and the speaking lineup was explosive, as well! The lineup included a major Michigan legislator, a candidate for congress, a sitting county sheriff, retired marine veteran, a big-name lawyer and Bernadette Ellis Smith, who said the opening prayer. There were several other business owners and patriots who spoke. One surprise was 14-year-old, Emma Donovan, 8th grader at Forest Hills Eastern Middle School. Emma wrote a speech, marched up to the event desk and plead her case in hopes of getting to say a few words. “When a middle schooler writes a speech, and begs you to get on stage, you can’t tell her no,” said one organizer.

From the start the crowd was in a frenzy as Emma made a very compelling case. “I don’t see how the McDonalds drive through is allowed to be open, and my school is not,” she spoke confidently, “I mean I love me some chicken nuggets, but what about my education?” The crowd erupted in laughter and cheers as this young patriot stood on stage before a sea of red, white and blue.

Another surprise came as Michigan State Senate majority leader, Mike Shirkey, who had originally criticized the American Patriot Rally in Lansing, got up and spoke about how his mind was changed when he had, what he described, as a “very engaging conversation” with two of the organizers. Shirkey had referred to five men seen at the previous rally as “jackasses,” but said he had seen “no jackasses here tonight.” Shirkey began his speech leading the crowd in singing “America the Beautiful” and went on to give some very strong words on the Constitution and the Bible. One of the biggest crowd reactions came when the Majority Leader said, “By the way, I believe that, as of April 30th, all the executive orders are against the law, and I didn’t just say it today, I said it that day.”

US congressional candidate, Mike Detmer, from Michigan’s 8th district, gave a fiery speech. Mike is known for being a staunch constitutionalist, so his message was highly anticipated, and very well received. “This is far beyond a campaign for US congress. This is about saving our state, it’s about saving our country; we’re in a battle for the heart, the soul, the traditions and the freedoms of this state… and the United States of America, and I am thrilled to see all of you today!” Mike’s entire speech added to an already electric atmosphere.

Dar Leaf, Barry County Sheriff was definitely a crowd favorite. “What’s the definition of an arrest?”, He asked the crowd. “It’s basically taking away your right to free will, your right to move about. That’s an arrest. And an unlawful arrest,” he continued, “is when we do it unlawfully. So, when you are ordered to your home, are you under arrest? …yeah! By definition you are.” Rally-goers hung on the Sheriff’s every word as he explained federal, state, and local government, and went wild as he brought heavily armed men out to introduce them: “A well-regulated militia is necessary for the security of a free state.” After pausing to wait out the cheers from the audience, he continued, “Who can tell me the three functions of a militia? Most of you don’t know, because schools don’t teach it. Obviously, they’re up here right now, in case our last shield fails, this is our last home defense right here ladies and gentlemen.” as the crowd erupted, once again. Sheriff Leaf went on to explain that the militias can also form common law grand juries, saying, “We ought to look at bringing back the common law grand juries, and I’d like to see some indictments out of that!” At this point, the entire crowd was on their feet and exploded into a screaming applause. Dar Leaf is a veteran sheriff, and a constitutionalist, who loves to educate others and was beloved by the crowd.

Quotes from the Organizers

“The American Patriot Rally was civil resistance taken to a level we haven’t seen in a long, long time,” said Jason Howland, “we stand together in a moment of opportunity unlike we’ve seen in our lifetime, and we [the American Patriot team] fully intend to exploit that opportunity for the good of Michiganders and for the good of Americans.”
Mike F- “A strong team is never satisfied, and we walk by faith, not by sight”

Ruth V: “As an organizer for both of the American Patriot Rallies events, the “Sheriffs Speak Out” was the first rally I’ve ever attended in my life. To be honest, the preconceived notions that most everyone in the world has, clung to me, as well, even past my knowing how amazing God put this team of organizers together who had never known each other. “We The People” is still reverberating in every cell of my being. I never felt safer in my life. Passion in words, tone and actions reflected a deep commitment to the American spirit which this country was founded on. What God has brought together, let us all work together to shine a light on darkness and do the work.

“The unity amongst those who gathered, is inspiring. People from all backgrounds and beliefs can unite in peace, to give attention to a joint cause and jointly control a narrative with their own pens. “We The People” are UNITED!” -Kristen M

Ryan Kelley was asked the question most of the country wants to know the answer to: “As the American Patriot Rally seems to be setting the tone for what will happen in cities and states around the country and even around the world, what is next for you guys?” Ryan simply answered, “I don’t know. We’ll have to wait and see.”

Note from the author:

As I covered this event, I was struck by the genuine team atmosphere. That is what caused me to gather these quotes from the organizers…and I was glad that I did. Because the quotes make it easy to see why an event that would typically get nothing but bad press, is actually getting a fair shake. After getting to know these fine American patriots, I can see why middle-class American moms are calling the American Patriot Rally, with militia members armed to the teeth and over a third of the crowd openly carrying firearms, the “safest place they could be”. It is obvious. The event was done out of a passionate love for American Freedom, with a true spirit of American Patriotism. A love like that covers fear and through that love, fear is destroyed.

-A. Closer

American Patriot Press

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